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Family $950

Single Parent Family $500

Individual (Single) $500

Senior (Couple) $800

Senior (Single) $400

First Time Member $250

50% discount if you are already a member of another synagogue

PLEASE NOTE: contact co-president Cathy Duke at 914 450 4188 or or co-president Adele Stern at or 845 265 4432.


The PRS fiscal year begins July 1st. Membership dues are requested to be paid in full within 60 days (by September 1st). We strive to be a spiritual community committed to a culture of kindness, trust, and respect. We don't exclude anyone based on financial needs. If you wish to make payment arrangements or have a confidential discussion about your financial circumstances, please contact PRS President Cathy Duke at 845-265-8011 or Payment plan options are available and used widely.

Kindly mail your membership dollars to Philipstown Reform Synagogue, PO Box 94, Cold Spring NY 10516.

You will receive a letter from PRS verifying that your donation is tax deductible.


The Philipstown Reform Synagogue is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism.

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